Document 1946 DOCN M94A1946 TI Living with HIV. DT 9412 AU Moraila J; University of Sinaloa, Mexico. SO Int Conf AIDS. 1994 Aug 7-12;10(1):415 (abstract no. PD0267). Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE ICA10/94370629 AB OBJECTIVE: To establish a multidisciplin health program designed for HIV(+), paciens, those who are suffering the attack of the virus, and try to prolong their lifes. METHODS: By forming a team of health workers. This team would include: a Doctor, a Social Workers, a full time secretary, a Chemistry, a Phsicologist, A Dietist. These people would work together giving support to patients living with HIV+. RESULTS: Since 1985 to now, we have found 210 cases with a male-female relation 5 to 1 and the average age of 25-44 years. The death rate is--40% without medical and social support, we interacted 10 of those--patients and gave them medical and social support and we can conclude that those patients were much more physically and mentally stable, after three months of care we didn't find other diseases in asociation. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: The Multidiciplin program had given us hope in areas and comunity--where the structure or the medical services is limited. DE Adult Female Human HIV Seropositivity/MORTALITY/*PSYCHOLOGY/*THERAPY Male Mexico Patient Care Team Social Support Treatment Outcome MEETING ABSTRACT SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).